Title I

School Report Card


**** Attention Parents****

The goal of the Federal Programs Department is to assist in providing educational excellence for students in the Newton County School System by directing the implementation of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, Title I, Part A Programs for Disadvantaged Children, Title I D Prevention and Education programs for Children and Youth who are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk, and Title I Part C McKinney-Vento Assistance Act-Education for Homeless Children and Youth.

We want to hear from you!  Do you have any suggestions for how we can best reach out to, communicate with, and work with you as equal partners?  Do you have any suggestions for our Parent and Family Engagement Policy, School - Parent Compact, and/or Parent and Family Engagement Funds?  If so, please provide us with your comments on the Stakeholders' Input form below and leave this form in the office or send it in with your child.

September 2024 Newsletter
september newsletterspanish newsletter
ENGLISH-September Newsletter              SPANISH-September Newsletter  

2023- 2024: Title 1 Right to Know  English   Spanish

2023- 2024: Title 1 District Parent and Family Engagement Policy English   Spanish

2023- 2024: School Parent and Family Engagement Policy  English   Spanish

2023- 2024: Title 1 School and Parent Compact  English   Spanish

2023- 2024: Title 1 Handbook English   Spanish

2023- 2024: Title 1 Schoolwide Plan

2023- 2024: Title 1 Parent Orientation Powerpoint

2023 - 2024 Stakeholders Input Form  English   Spanish

Kindergarten Parent Compact
 1st Grade Parent Compact




  2nd Grade Parent Contact




 3rd Grade Parent Contact




4th Grade Parent Contact






5th Grade Parent Contact






Parent Resources

 The 2023-2024 editions of Parents Make a Difference and Parent Child Activity Calendars for elementary, middle and high schools (English and Spanish) can be accessed below or on the NCSS website.


?? What's the NCSS Parent Connect podcast All About?


NCSS Parent Connect is a podcast dedicated to providing valuable communication and engagement for parents, with the primary purpose of building stronger partnerships between parents, educators and the school community.


?? How to Listen:


Listening to the NCSS Parent Connect couldn't be easier. You can find us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and more! Simply search for NCSS Parent Connect and hit the subscribe button to ensure you never miss an episode.


Parent Connect: Continuous Communication


The Parent Connect Canvas page was designed to provide guidance to parents to support the education of their child. You will find guides to help you navigate Canvas, Zoom, My Launchpad and more!

Please click on the icon below to access Parent Connect resources.

AUGUST-PARENT TIP #1: Reading Strategies
SEPTEMBER-PARENT TIP #2: Helping Struggling Learners in Math
OCTOBER-PARENT TIP #3: Common Math Formulas Cheat Sheet
NOVEMBER -Parent TIP #4: Parts of Speech Conversion Chart
DECEMBER-Math Integer Cheat Sheet
JANUARY-PARENT TIP #5: Simple Abbreviations
FEBRURY- PARENT TIP #6: Table of Measure
MARCH - PARENT TIP #7 United States Map Reference Guide
APRIL - PARENT TIP #8 Integer Cheat Sheet
MAY - PARENT TIP #9 Periodic Table